
Adopt a Refugee


God is moving among the refugees in Europe. There is openness to the Gospel like never before. People are coming to faith in Jesus Christ, and disciples and churches are being multiplied. We at Deo Volente have partnered with local church planters in Germany and Greece who are discipling refugee believers to advance God’s Kingdom.  These disciples are in need of resources to become adjusted and stabilized, while continuing to share the Gospel with others.


Read their Story

Izad’s* Story

Izad* is a refugee from Iran serving God by making disciples among Afghans and Iranians in Athens and preparing for wherever God would him send him next for ministry. Starting at age 9, Izad had suffered severe child abuse by his step-mother including several murder attempts. In desperation at age 16, he fled to Turkey alone, afraid for his life as he learned of another plan to end his life over inheritance issues. He became deeply depressed living alone as a minor in Turkey. He was invited to a church by a translator from a humanitarian organization. He decided to go to the church so that he could tell everyone there to return to Islam. Instead, he heard at the church that God loved him and so did the people at this church. He was overwhelmed. For years, he questioned if he could be loved, receiving the opposite of love from his family as child in Iran. After a month of searching, he became a believer and even joined a Bible school in Turkey. In Greece, he is now sharing the Gospel, caring for refugees in need, making disciples, and preparing to serve God in the next country that God sends him.

Recently, Izad told his sisters about his faith in Jesus. They asked him, “If this true, why would God allow all of these trials to come to your life in Iran, Turkey, and Greece?” He told them the story of Joseph and how God had sent Joseph through many trials in Egypt so that Joseph and his family would be saved from famine and have life. He believed that perhaps God had sent him to Greece so that his family in Iran would finally have life through the love and salvation from Jesus Christ.

*Name changed for protection.


Support Izad


Izad is in an unstable temporary housing situation. A low-cost apartment with utilities would be about $350 a month in Athens. Would you help Izad keep sharing the love of Christ in Athens, Greece to people who have never heard?


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